Get Growing! Tools and Strategies for Living, Working and Relating Well
"This Year, Ditch the New Year's Resolutions and Go for the THEME "
January 1, 2022
Ahh…New Year’s Resolutions. That list of to-do’s that often turns into a list of ‘I didn'ts.’ The New Year is a great time for fresh starts and new beginnings. For do –overs and a clean slate. So how can you tap into the positive energy of the New Year, without falling victim to failed resolutions and frustration? Easy-peasy! This year, forget resolutions and go for the theme.
Your theme should embody what you want for yourself and what you want your life to look like in the New Year. It can be a word, phrase, sentence or paragraph, a short list or a quote that resonates with you. It can be whatever you want it to be.
Once you create your theme, write it down. Put it on a sign on the wall, on strategically placed Post-It Notes and in your calendar. Then ask yourself, what do I need to do, or stop doing, to manifest my theme?
Here is my theme for 2022:
- Trust…with patience
- You can pray for potatoes, but you better buy a hoe. ~ Unknown Source
- Simplify
When I look at my theme, it reminds me to trust in myself, 'the Universe' and to remember that ‘the present is perfect' in its imperfect way. It inspires me to do the things I need to do to align my life with my theme. It motivates me to let go of things that no longer serve me, things that unnecessarily complicate and clutter my life. It challenges me to achieve my goals in a kinder, gentler way. This year, I challenge you, to free yourself from New Year’s resolutions and go for your theme.
Wishing you joy and contentment in 2022.
A Good Read:
"Goals: How to Get the Most Out of Your Life" by Zig Ziglar
Need help tackling change in the New Year? Check this out!
In the next edition of "Get Growing! Tools and Strategies for Living, Working and Relating Well," I'll be exploring our love/hate relationship with work and how to make peace with it.
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